We delayed this post for a couple days to give the blackberry announcement some spotlight time at the top of the page, but here’s the companion to that earlier post featuring Emilien Rotival‘s art.
In this one, we’ve got one more comic-style drawing, which is primarily a showcase for a vector-version of our logo; Emilien helped me out here because although the pixel version of it was entirely my work, I’m honestly quite rotten at vector stuff at the moment. I have so little experience with vector-tools that doing anything is a struggle, and I just don’t have the time to figure it out when there are much more pressing things to finish for the core game (I’ve already got several “learn a new skillset” jobs on my plate related to programming). He vectorized the logo, which gets us a nice, crisp, professional-looking one now, rather than later. Thanks, man!

The centerpiece, though, was a big “poster/box-art/desktop” style drawing he made for us:

It’s awesome to get fan art like this – and we’re open to fan art from anyone. If you’ve got fan-art you want to send, by all means, send it in! We’d love to see more, and if people send more in, we could make an ongoing series out of this. 😀
The first one cracks me up – something I thought of to when playing the game. I wish that I could actually produce art to an acceptable standard now.