You can get the Frogatto source from our repository on github. To download it via the command-line, run
git clone git://
Note: If you have an account on github, and have already set up an SSH key, you can use the following command to clone the repo through your account:
git clone
Frogatto is a configuration of Anura, and as such requires the Anura engine to run. It is at, instead of frogatto/frogatto.git, anura-engine/anura.git. It is on github as well. (The Frogatto folder goes inside Anura’s ~/modules/ folder.)
Please note: the source code (C++) is GPL, however, all content that differentiates Frogatto as a game (the art, the music, etc) is privately owned. We’re big fans of open-source, but we need to reserve some legal right to it to prevent others from distributing it (for pay, or for free) when doing so would really hurt us.
That said, we’re really friendly to all of the usual stuff open-source implies, so we’re in favour of people contributing to the game, making mods of the game, and especially, reusing what we’ve made to make a new game of your own. If you want permission to reuse something elsewhere, and it falls under that “privately owned” category, just ask – we’ll probably say yes.